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Starstuff by Shivani- 31 Juli, 2023

Starstuff by Shivani

I've read a brilliant review of the movie Oppenheimer that also speaks to the intense astrology we are experiencing right now.

Pluto in Capricorn is often called the Lord of Death. Right now he is squaring the Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra. A square to the lunar Nodes also called skipped step. All these three signs are cardinal signs and simply explained; social leaders, your inner leader and the leaders that show up in your different relationships. So basically we are all forced to face the consequences of toxic leadership. Masculine or Feminine leadership, let’s admit it, we are in a dangerous play and it is time we become the directors of our own lives. Let’s keep, what you can control, toxic free!!

No one has the right to give you guilt and shame for not being able to handle the ridiculous ways the world is run by. What do your thoughts, speech and actions leave behind? No one can take LOVE away from you, thats a lie. You are full of LOVE. But to be able to use it and distribute it freely and healthy, you have to know you, and what you need, to be heatlthy harmonius and strong. Maybee you need a good cry and sleep- do it!

Anyone who is making you feel that everything is wrong with you, because you are not successful in this dung heap built by our leaders, that is convincing everyone it is your fault for not getting it together under their toxic rulership, needs to be cut of from a relationships with you until you have found your self again. Yeah, take a breath and read that again!

Dont let ANY relationship give you strength and courage and love IF you have to act, think or speek in a way that undermines you.

The solution might be, to not be so aware of what other people are doing. Focus on your actions, thoughts and words. Know and understand what it is toxic.

This is deep karmic transformation and everyone is included. Come back to yourself through the breath. And make everything about LOVE. If you feel empty, count your blessings. Everyone has been blessed a million times. The most common blessing is the breath. If you feel lonely, reach out to someone! There are so many healers, people that have already been transformed through their dark night of the Soul. Many of them are workin in a healthy and harmonius way- They are Leaders of the Soul - look for one. As we speak there are so many communities building- find one that speaks to your truth and realize that you are not alone.

Tomorrow we have a Full Moon ruled by Uranus. Many astrologers assign the myth of Prometheus to Uranus. One of Oppenheimers nicknames is ”the American Prometheus” Uranus is in Taurus ruled by Venus retrograde in Leo. Their relationship is by a square, on and off til October 10. Expect to experience surprising storms in your relationships. Storms that will shake you awake- and hopefully this shake will be enough for you to start living more from LOVE, in everything you do.

For the rest of this year, we will be tested! Weave the bonds of LOVE between you and others, and remember, you are responsible for everything that you share. And with the remembrance of how far you have come, find the trust in your Self.

For all the Swedes, a free Full moon sharing circle August 1, 6 pm Swed time on Zoom. PM me for link. We are diving deep into the Full Moon and Venus Retrograde. I will share a grounding meditation. Submit your birthing info and if you are lucky you can ask a question about your chart!

Have a blessed Full Moon. Starry Love Shivani

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